Here at Mallory Meadows, we get super excited to see the Snowdrops appear. Snowdrops flower between January and March, it’s a sure sign spring is on its way, bringing the long-awaited sunnier, longer days.
I love a good fact and here are a few fun Snowdrop facts we’ve found.
Did you know:
- Snowdrops are named after earrings not drops of snow. In the 15th – 17th centuries, Ladies wore white drop shape earrings known as ‘ear drops’.
- Snowdrops have many different names and are also known as Fair Maids of February, Candlemas Bells, white Ladies, Little Sisters of Snows, Snow Piercers, Dingle-Dangle, Flower of Hope and Death’s Flower.
- Legend has it, that the snowdrop became the symbol of hope when Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden. An angel appeared when Eve was just about to give up hope that the cold winters would never end, the angel transformed some snowflakes into snowdrop flowers proving that winter does eventually give way to spring.
- Snowdrops contain natural antifreeze and on frosty nights snowdrops collapse with freezing stress. Their antifreeze allows them to recover as soon as the temperatures rise. During the first world war, snowdrop bulbs were used to de-ice tanks!
- The Latin name for Snowdrop is ‘Galanthus’ which means “Milk Flower”
- Snowdrops and highly scented and on sunny days give off a honey smell which attracts bees.
- Snowdrops contain a naturally occurring substance called ‘Galantamine’ which can be used in the early treatment of Alzheimer’s symptoms
- It’s illegal to harvest ‘snowdrop’ Galanthus nivalis bulbs under the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangers Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Further information on the law and the picking of wildflowers can be found here.
We have plenty of snowdrops on our grounds and they can be found in the churchyard next door, but if you want to take a visit to see a ‘Snowdrop carpet’ head over to Dimminsdale about 30 mins drive away.